Tuesday, August 23, 2011

we like to move it, move it.

It's been days and days since our last postage, but we have been busy with a capital 'B'. The boxes are unpacked. The cabinets are stocked. The furniture has found a home. and the house is littered with birds. For the past week, Justin and I have been scurrying to get the house as settled as possible and I must say, we deserve a high-five for our progress. Slow progress. But progress.  So far the foyer, kitchen, dining room, and guest bed&bath are the only rooms worthy of notice completed (sparse, but as completed as its gonna be 'til I walk that stage).
So. Without further ado...

the foyer.

bird love. (BEWARE: I've got it b a d)

the kitchen.

Justin made this lil' pig in junior high woodshop! :-)

our favorite verse.

the dining room.

those little birdies are from a local thrift!

the guest bedroom.

reminds me of dandelions.

and the guest bath.

sheesh...have I heard of an iron? 

The owls are a choice, not a sickness. I promise.

Obviously, since the master bedroom&bath, living room, extra guest room, 1/2 bath and office are not pictured, there is m-u-c-h to be done. There also isn't a stitch of art on the walls (just noticed that, in fact, while posting these pics). And that's pretty much due to my anal nature of shifting and tweaking and stepping back and shifting and tweaking and sleeping on it...yada yada. You get the picture. We're hoping to complete the entire house by Christmas, but balancing school and home for the next 11 weeks or so is going to be tricky. Still, I cannot WAIT for the end result! :-)

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