Thursday, August 4, 2011

geek or chic?

Oh, how I am terrible at this posting thing.  It's been a few days and there hasn't been any "post worthy" events, so here is a feeble attempt to write something interesting. (beware of cheesy randomness. *snicker, snicker*)

My current fashion fancy is the trend of geek-chic, largely overstated eyewear.  They're retro, they're large (great for someone with a big jelly head like me) and they make a fun, fashionable statement. So, for this year's annual (redundant?...idk) eye exam, with the help of a certain lady who writes this blog, I decided to embrace my inner nerdiness, so-to-speak, with a pair of large, black, plastic frames.

Ta dah!

They're so me, right?!

(Okay, so in my attempt to take a more 'artsy' photo rather than just staring straight into the camera, I look pretty a nerd. But that is beside the point, people.)

Now, to be completely honest, the very first day I wore my cheeky new frames, I received a surprisingly negative review from some crummy opinionated strangers....something about being akin to their grampy.  But I will not dwell on their silliness. No, instead I will wear them with the pride of Lois Lane. And we all know just who had the hots for her geek chic-y-ness.

So, here's to embracing a quirky trend....and loving the end result. :-) 

Friday, August 5th: UPDATE! UPDATE!

I was just informed that I unknowingly purchased the eyewear of a Mr. Justin Timberlake. Now, knowing that I occasionally have some crazy dreams about him, I think it's kinda destiny ironic. ha! 


  1. You would fit in perfectly with Koreans. They love the oversized glasses like yours and some that are quite a bit bigger. Yours are ok...just don't go any larger! :)

  2. Oh I've definitely met my size limit! Any bigger and they might not stay on my nose. ha!

  3. Love the glasses. And btw, I love how your sidebar looks over there.

  4. Thanks! I'm constantly fiddling with all the widgets and gadgets to get it juuust right.


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