Saturday, December 10, 2011

Tabitha C. Overby RN, BSN.

On Thursday, December 8th 2011, I proudly accepted, in my right hand to be exact, a diploma that proclaims to everyone in this big beautiful world that I, Tabitha C. Overby, have successfully earned a Bachelors of Science in Nursing. My grin was cheesy, that cap was squeezy, and the gown, quite breezy. But walking across that stage with my eye on the prize? Oh, so easy. :-) Thank you sweet Jesus for carrying me through these past 3.5 years! AND for blessing me with family and friends who have supported me a billion percent through my fears and tears.

                      Nursing School banner                                                                                                 Ready to get this show on the road!

the anticipation ...

the pinning ...

the sprint! ...


My sweet family and best lady frand came to cheer me on...


After the ceremony, my parents hosted a banging BBQ graduation celebration, and the combo of pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, and buttercream cake was scrumdilliumptious! Thank you to everyone who showed up to hug my neck and watch me oogle at my pretty, new diploma! I feel so loved and blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family. :-)

And because I'm still grinning about them, I must introduce my new, shiny Cracker Barrel rocking chairs!!! Thanks Ma and Pa!

Picture this... relaxing in one of these sa-weet rockers on a cool, breezy afternoon wrapped in a cozy sweater, cup of cocoa in hand, hubby at my side, puppies at my feet, and absolutely NO TEXTBOOKS IN SIGHT. Halle-stinking-lujah!

And one more thing!

All of these pics were taken on my brand new Canon EOS Rebel T3i! Much thanks to my Mr. Overby. Now I just need to use my free time learning how to use it!


  1. LOVE this post. Love it. So proud of you, not only for becoming a nurse, but surviving that crazy hard 3.5 years, STILL with a smile on your face and faith that God could get you through it.
    Oh, and I love your new camera and the photos taken on it. I want a copy of that first one up there of you smiling and the two of us! It's a good one :-)

  2. I'm chatty tonight. I also am obsessed with that pulled pork. Ryan woulda loved that stuff, too.
    And I love the rocking chairs.
    Ok. see you tomorrow.

  3. Thanks my frand. :-) I will certainly make a copy of those pics for ya. Only 5 more days 'til you're doing the same! Can't wait! Ahhh!!!

  4. Lots of LOVE and Lots of FUN, glad you are DONE!!!!!


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