Saturday, November 19, 2011

jubilation R/T graduation AEB smiling and skipping and doing a little dance

Almost, people! I am almost there! Tuesday is my FINAL final for forever. Like forever forever. well unless I grow some kahunas and get my masters. I am so ready to resume my lovely little life that has been patiently chilling on stand-by for the past, oh, say three millenia years. In just 2.5 weeks I will be fa-la-la-la free to embrace the holidays, catch up on blogging, read at my leisure, put my kitchen to good use, help my frand plan her nuptials, and snuggle with my loves. And, of course, I will be squeezing in study time galore in the midst of all that freedom so I can pass the boards on my first attempt. please, oh please, oh please
I am beyond ready to find a j-o-b and put my degree to good use. Watch out world! This new nurse is going to wipe some hineys, shanghai some veins, and change some lives!!! And when those shifts become an eternity and those patients get cranky, I shall slap on a smile and go with the Flow!

Florence Nightingale Pledge
 I solemnly pledge myself before God and in the presence of this assembly,
to pass my life in purity and to practice my profession faithfully. I will abstain
from whatever is deleterious and mischevious, and will not take or knowingly
administer any harmful drugs. I will do all in my power to maintain and elevate
the standard of my profession, and will hold in confidence all personal matters
committed to my keeping and all family affairs coming to my knowledge in the
practice of my calling. With loyalty will I endeavor to aid the physician in his
work, and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care.       

Friday, November 4, 2011

The one where Tabitha felt jipped.

Pinned ImageI've never seen an epsiode of Friends. Ever. Until just a couple of weeks ago, that is. One night, after a long day at clinical and a scalding hot shower to rid myself of hospital funk, I channel surfed and stumbled upon this t.v. treasure circa 1994. And I feel so jipped! Like it was a secret I was never privy to or a birthday present I never received. Sure, I was quite the tween when the show became a hit, but what a calamity! I completely missed out on pretty much my perfect sitcom. I find myself slapping my leg, pointing and clapping, squawking laughing out loud at the hilarity of these six quirky people. Perhaps I'm a teeny bit trigger happy with my sense of humor, but who loves a great laugh? This girl right here. *points to self with thumbs* And of course, as I do with any bright new shiny thing, I'm kinda obsessing. I've IMDb'd all the trivia and famous quotes in case I'm ever on Jeopardy, you see and priced out the complete series on DVD which would make a tee-rrific Christmas gift, and set my DVR to record each and every syndicated episode to catch up on the last 10 years. duh.
So what if it's soo 1990s? Don't judge. When I like something, I really  like something.

Bloopers. Gotta love bloopers.
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